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Start your Triathlon Journey !

Why us ? 

As a Full-time working professional & A Triathlon Coach,
I completely understand the demands of your time as well as the sport

I believe the sport should complement the other areas of your life - career, family, health & overall well-being rather than competing with them 

Hence it is of utmost importance to balance your Triathlon or even Marathon Training with your life to achieve the best of both worlds 

All our training plans, one-to-one sessions, coaching calls, & interactions aim to achieve this very purpose - To do well in Triathlon & Life! 

We aim to make you a smarter & better athlete without compromising on any other areas of life


  • Triathlon

    Every month
    Ideal for first-time Triathletes & Beginners
    • Initial Fitness Assessment & Goal Setting
    • Weekly Training Plans delivered through Training Peaks
    • Complete guidance on Power, HR, Cadence, & Other Metrics
    • Strength Training & Nutrition Advice
    • Monthly Group Rides (Virtual + Physical)
    • Weekly Follow-up Zoom Call
  • Cycling

    Every month
    Recommended for Aspiring Long Distance Cyclists
    • Initial Fitness Assessment & Goal Setting
    • Weekly Training Plans delivered through Training Peaks
    • Complete Guidance on Power, HR, Cadence, & other Metrics
    • Strength Training & Nutrition Advice
    • Monthly Group Rides (Virtual + Physical)
    • Weekly Follow-up Zoom Call
  • Running

    Every month
    Recommended for Aspiring Runners
    • Initial Fitness Assessment & Goal Setting
    • Weekly Training Plans delivered through Training peaks
    • Complete Guidance on HR & Other Metrics
    • Strength Training & Nutrition Advice
    • Weekly Follow-up Zoom Calls
  • Swim Training

    Recommended for beginners (Based in Mumbai)
    • Learn Freestyle from Scratch
    • Initial Form Assessment
    • Personalized Technique Correction
    • Scientific Swim Drills & Workouts
  • Youtube
  • Instagram
  • Whatsapp

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